Like a joint you can eat.

Our gummies combine everyone’s favorite edible with a high that’s always fast and always reliable. With 20 gummies in every container and a range of cannabinoid ratios, Ripple gummies are here to provide functional highs for high-functioning adults.

Pure Blood Orange

Fast-acting sativa effect

Balanced Mango

Fast-acting hybrid effect

Revive Strawberry

Fast-acting 1:1 THC/CBD


Ripple has been proven through peer-reviewed, published, clinical research to enter the bloodstream within 10 minutes. Other edible products may call themselves fast, but Ripple is the only brand to prove it.


Choose from three mouth-watering flavors in doses and ratios to meet you where you are and take you throughout your day. Ripple combines minor cannabinoids like CBG and CBN with THC for the ultimate functional high.


Take Ripple gummies wherever you go. The pocketable, resealable containers fit easily into your purse or fanny pack, so your next adventure is always within reach.